
Put some Zing in your Zoom!

To say that the way we do business has changed would be an understatement. The pandemic this year has been a challenge at best and destructive at worst to business operations. If we look for the silver lining, however, perhaps we can thank technology for helping us stay informed, connected, and managing to keep operating.

One of the biggest aids in switching to virtual communication is Zoom. Who hasn’t been on a Zoom call for a team meeting, family birthday, or school session? The challenge of mastering the technology is only one piece of the Zoom game, the other big challenge of Zoom is boredom.

How can you keep your callers interested and engaged on Zoom or other virtual platform meetings? Here are a few ideas:

  • Have an icebreaker. We’re all kids inside, and spending just a few minutes on a trivia game, quarantine bingo, quiz, or online scavenger hunt can lighten the mood and get people in communicating mode. Winner gets bragging rights, or if it’s a special occasion, send them a small gift in the mail. Time to raid your swag closet, or order new, fun stuff.
  • Have a themed meeting and send your team things to wear or bring to the meeting. Matching t-shirts, hats, or water bottles will give people something to look forward to and a fun way to interact on a call.
  • Take advantage of the technology. Using screen sharing, the chat box, and breakout rooms helps people ask and answer questions, engage and discuss more, and see other things on their screen besides faces.
  • Encourage people to share their video, it’s easier to engage when you can see someone. Invite people to use the virtual background feature, and to upload a photo (serious or funny) for people to see when they aren’t sharing their video.

Keep it up, keep going, and hang in there. It is possible to come out of this with better communication skills, stronger team relationships, and more knowledge of our own technology. Need creative ideas for swag to share? Call us – we can help!